Wednesday, 2 September 2015

A sin to swallow for the rest of your life.

Recently I had to endure one the most torrid and fear inducing endeavours known to all of mankind (not human kind, for this dread is of a specific nature targeted at males). Escorting my better half clothes shopping. Please allow yourself a moment to let the terror seep into your pores.
Before you leap up, cry havoc and loose the dogs of war and misogyny upon me. Just stop, remain seated and allow me to continue for just a moment.bthe opening salvo was, of course, simply hyperbole. I have no issue going shopping, even for women's clothing. Of course boredom does at times begin to slowly tug at my soul, but nonetheless I don't give a jot.
My father always drilled into me the fact that chivalry was not dead, and that courtesy and manners are paramount, politeness and a smile don't cost anything. As such I have always tried to treat people with the respect I would like to be treated with, be they woman, man or Martian. So I don't mind at all, in fact I enjoy doing things that will make her happy and I always will do.
If love is the cornerstone of a relationship, then surely the mortar is made from mutual respect and support. This network of support that we provide for each other has taken on new significance since the birth of our son, who is now 5 weeks and one day old.
During pregnancy there is an awful amount kerfuffle revolving around preparing yourself for the birth; How will you cope? Have you got everything? Will you find out the gender? Are you sure you can cope?
I will say now, no matter what you do, no matter how prepared you are. You are really are not. Not fully.
I approached it with a certain amount of hubris, of course I'll be a little more tired, but it won't be that bad. It is that bad, prepare to be more tired than you ever thought possible, unless you're one of those lucky people who's baby sleeps straight away, those people who's total number is about 0.00001% of the population. However, despite all this nothing prepares you for how much you will love your child, unequivocally, without logic or reason, it just happens instantly, a frightening and amazing explosion of utter adoration. 
I have drifted off course a little. The point is we have a son, who is another variable to add to the shopping equation, and we we were out buying clothes for the better half. 
After a rather lengthy browse in new look, followed by a rather lengthy spell in the changing rooms, I found myself perambulating the shop, pushing sprog in a desperate race through the aisles, being chased by imaginary racers in a sprint to the finish. As we coursed through the panoply of garments, we caught kind smiles from elderly women and sympathetic shrugs from the legion of pushchair wielding blokes in our same predicament.
Invariably we (more specifically I, as Oscar was asleep) turned to people watching. New look seemed to hold a population of beleaguered men trudging after their partners in a listless fashion. Hordes of young couples had descended into the town and I imagine only the female part of them truly wanted to be pried away from the football or whatever other distraction usually fills their day.
So there I was, a proud parent, examining other people and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly some of them saw in each other, as surely they have nothing in common. A remarkably shallow thought yes, but valid nonetheless. It is an unfortunate truth that attraction is very often skin deep. People look at other people and find them attractive or they don't, sad but true. Any one who claims not to make a snap judgement is proficient at bending the truth. I'm not perfect and I've made initial impressions based on looks, but it's how you see past this that counts.
My partner, the mother of our wonderful son is an amazing women. I love her with every part of me, I know I do because every time I think of the future, she is it. However this feeling took time to grow, a very short time, but time nonetheless. When I knew her my initial thought was 'cor blimey she's fit' followed by an incoming that there was something much more special at play. Spending time with her only confirmed this. I get the impression that when people see us together thsey share my view stats earlier and wonder what it is we have in common. To be honest, our shared interests are little. I love comics, she loves musicals (yuck), I like football, she really doesn't. I'm sure you can see the emerging pattern here but the fact is, it doesn't matter. Each of us is prepared to take part in and talk about our interests, willing to try and see through the others eyes. Despite this though, if you scratch the surface a little more, we go deeper than common hobbies. She knows when I am sad, when I need a kiss, what I like, what I don't, when I need a cup of tea, when I'm happy and just about every emotion I go through; it works both ways.
So really, if people are capable of this sort of love in a relationship. It really doesn't matter about a fleeting glance in new look.